
I’m struggling to afford my BCS membership fee - what options are available to me?

Pay by Direct Debit

If you are a UK bank account holder and pay your membership by annual Direct Debit you can save 2.5% off your annual subscription. Visit for further information. Sign up online in MyBCS or contact the BCS Customer Service team.

Claim tax relief

If you are a UK tax payer and you pay your subscription yourself you can claim tax relief on your membership subscription fee. For further information click here.

 Payment by your employer

Check whether your employer will cover your membership subscription.  BCS works with many employers and can offer discounts to them if they pay the membership fees for their staff. 

If your employer doesn’t have an arrangement with BCS ask them if they would consider putting an agreement in place... For information visit or call +44 (0)1793 417747.

Temporary reduced rate

If your employment circumstances have changed, you may be eligible to apply for a reduction in your membership fee. For guidance and an application form, visit here.

Retired rate

If you are planning to retire, or have recently retired, you can continue your membership at a reduced rate.

For guidance and an application form, click here.

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