
How do I register candidates on the Approved Centre Forum (ACF)?

  1. Login to the Approved Centre Forum.
  2. Go to Ordering & Administration > Registrations > Learner registrations.
  3. Select the qualification you want to enrol them on then continue (of there is only ‘non-enrolled product’ this means you need to purchase more registrations, please see ‘Placing your order’ for more info)
  4. Next you’ll be faced with 3 tabs:
    1. Create a New Learner: This form is to register a single candidate at a time.
    2. Add BCS registered learner: If you have a candidate that has done a previous course with us and has a BCS ID use this tab to enrol them.
    3. Import Learner: This is the bulk upload; here you can upload a CSV of your candidates to register groups of candidates at any one time. Please follow the bulk upload guide and fill in this template for uploading candidates.
  5. Fill out the forms or CSVs and either 'add' learners or 'upload' candidates.
  6. You will then be shown a list of candidates to confirm, when happy click ‘Confirm Registrations’.
  7. Then click confirm again and you will see a popup a page with their BCS IDs.
  8. Download the Excel file from this page for safe keeping.
  9. Your candidates are now registered you will now be able to download them on the testing platform.


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