When your re-accreditation is due, BCS will send out the Purchase Order (PO) request/re-accreditation reminder 2 months prior to the end of your Centre’s Audit month. (e.g. a Centre who's re-accreditation is in May will be reminded in early March).
The reminder email is sent to your Centre Manager.
The Centre Manager should then email back a PO number by the end of the month before their accreditation expires. (e.g. for a Centre who's re-accreditation is in May the PO deadline will be near the end of April so that we can raise the invoice at end of April. The invoice is then sent to the Finance Contact of your Centre at the end of April to be paid by the end of May).
If BCS does not receive a PO by the beginning of the month preceding their accreditation, your centre will be reminded again.
If no PO/Invoice raised by the end of your accreditation month the Centre will be suspended.
Your centre will then need to provide a PO to be reinstated. You will then have 30 days to pay the invoice. BCS will place your account on stop if the invoice isn’t paid within 30 days.
If you do not hear from BCS two months prior to your re-accreditation please contact cpqt@bcs.uk to confirm your contact details are correct on our systems.