When a candidate clicks on an exam they will be asked to enter an invigilator key or enter the invigilator’s own login details.
Invigilator keys are handy for those who invigilate groups of candidates at any one time. The key has to be created by the invigilator that is invigilating the exam session as it signifies that invigilator is present during the exam without them having the need to provide their own login for each candidate in the room. The invigilator key isn’t private credentials and is time locked to a particular exam session so is safe to be shared on a whiteboard (as an example) at the time of the exam.
Video guide coming soon
To create a Invigilator Key please follow these steps:
- Have the invigilator who is going to invigilate the test Login to Atlas Cloud.
- Go to Organization > Manage Invigilator keys.
- A popup window will appear, click ‘Create’ in the bottom right.
- Now fill out the form details:
a) Date and Time – You can set the date and time that the key is ‘live’ this should be from when the exam is scheduled. Please note to keep the date and time in the format of dd/mm/yy XX:XX
b) Duration – this is how long the key stays ‘live’. We recommend this is around the time of the exam (if not a little longer) just in case of any interruptions the candidate can log back in with the same key.
c) Max Number of tests per student in the session – This is an allowance of how many exams a candidate can take with this key.
This should always be set to 1.
d) Hide results – this stops the results form popping up in a popup at the end of the exam. Do note the candidates can still access their results if they go back to the exam selection page and click on ‘view results’.
e) Module – The correct Module needs to be set for the key to work correctly. In the first dropdown box select the module type, then the second box is the exam. Note: For I/ECDL Cert Standard Exams please look under the ‘ECDL/ICDL Syllabus 5.0 (English)’