To request additional funds for your member group, you will need to submit a Supplementary Funding request (SFR).
SFR forms can be found below, including a new version for Sponsorship. Please ensure that the correct form is used otherwise this might delay review by the CBFC.
- Supplementary fund request form (V3. July 2022)
- Supplementary fund request form (Sponsorship) (V3. July 2022)
SFRs should be submitted in a timely fashion, ideally two months before expenditure is required and should contain sufficient, detailed information to all the CBFC to make an informed decision. In the first instance please forward your SFR form to your Community Groups Coordinator for an initial review.
Your coordinator may discuss and ask for further information, before passing onto the CBFC secretariat, who will acknowledge and inform you of the unique reference number allocated to your document and the date of the meeting this will be tabled for discussion at. Please quote this unique reference number in relevant correspondence.
Any applications received after the cut-off date will be tabled, if appropriate, for the following month’s CBFC meeting.
Once the meeting where your tabled document has been discussed has taken place, either the CBFC secretariat or your Community Coordinator will contact you to inform you of the following;
- The amount of your award,
Any caveats attributed to the award.
CBFC have a limit of £10,000 (including VAT) and any SFRs received which exceed this limit will be referred to Community Board for confirmation of CBFC’s recommendation. Urgent requests below £1,500 (including VAT) may be approved by the Chair of CBFC. All other requests are dealt with as normal by the full CBFC committee.
Where a Community Group does not use all of the allocated funds provided by an SFR within three months of the stated date/three months from awarding (to allow for invoices and claims to be submitted) then the unused amount will be transferred back to the SFR pot for use by other Community Groups.
Any requests for expenditure on overseas travel must have prior approval from both the BCS Chief Executive as well as the Finance Committee and therefore you should allow enough time for the BCS team to carry out this process.
SFR Appeals
Should you wish to appeal the decision made on your SFR by the Finance Committee, you will need to reply to the SFR the outcome notification email you received with a copy of the original SFR, along with commentary detailing the nature of your appeal, and your view of how the outcome can be improved.
You can find out more about the SFRs in our SFR cut off dates article.