
What happens if my Member Group breaches the BCS Code of Conduct?


Resolution of problems is best achieved by amicable exchanges but it is essential that Member Group committees understand that rules can and will be enforced.

Because of their collective role as the first point of contact, most transgressions are likely to be initially identified by members of the Community team. Where a problem is identified the following steps will be taken:

  1. A member of the Community team will approach the Member Group and explain the issue to committee member, normally the Chair or the Treasurer (posts held by BCS professional members). The objective is to resolve the issue by explaining clearly which rule (or rules) are not being complied with and requesting the Member Group to make changes.
  2. If the group do not agree to comply the matter will be referred to the Community Board Policy Committee (CBPC). If the Chair of the CBPC is unable to make progress by personal contact, the Chair of CBPC will seek agreement from CBPC members to write formally to the Member Group on behalf of the CBPC. The letter will explain that the Member Group is in breach of the rules and ask them to confirm their compliance in writing by a specified date. The letter will explain the result of continued non-compliance.


Sanctions available to the CBPC include use of the BCS code of conduct where an individual is at fault and where the Member Group is at fault:

  • Suspending funding (if funding is suspended any expenditure incurred by the MG would be unauthorised and any officers authorising the expenditure could be jointly liable for the money spent.)
  • Suspending or closing the Member Group


You can find more information on the BCS Code of Conduct on our website.

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