Member Groups are managed by a committee elected by the members of the group at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) - although it is acceptable for someone to be co-opted onto the committee at anytime of the year. The committee also has the power to set up subcommittees.
Annual General Meetings (AGM)
Member Groups must organise an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year, where the committee reports to the membership on the previous year's activities and committee members are elected. The AGM should be called as soon as practicable after the close of the Institute's financial year (31 August).
At least fourteen days written notice (it may be via email) of the date, time and place of the AGM shall be given to Member Group members and to the Community Team The calling notice should include, where appropriate, an agenda, a call for nominations to committee and explain where the minutes to be discussed can be found. The committee can choose to use virtual technologies in addition to, or instead of, holding a physical meeting.
The agenda should include:
- Welcome and introductions
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the previous AGM (and if appropriate EGM)
- Matters arising from the minutes
- A report from the Chair on the year’s activities (Annual report template), including a report from the Inclusion Officer and Early Careers Advocate.
- A report from the Treasurer, including a review of income and expenditure against the budget agreed with BCS Swindon for the past year and an explanation of next year’s budget request.
- Election of Chair, Treasurer and committee members
- Any other business
Notification of items wishing to be raised at the AGM under "Any other business" should be sent to the Chair not less than three days in advance. Admission of items not so notified at the AGM will be at the discretion of the Chair.
Following the AGM, an electronic copy of the minutes and the Chair’s report must be sent to the Community Team via within one month after the AGM.
Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be convened, if requested, by ten or more Institute members of the Member Group or by resolution of the Committee. The notice calling the meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting, which shall be convened on a date within five weeks of receipt of the request or the Committee resolution.