
What are Member Group committees and what do they do?

Member Groups are managed by a committee elected by the members of the group at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) - although it is acceptable for someone to be co-opted onto the the committee at anytime of the year. The committee also has the power to set up subcommittees.

Volunteers on a committee help to run, and safeguard the future of, a BCS member group. Our member groups can be UK-based regional branches, specialist groups focused on a specific area of our industry, or international sections operating overseas. You can find your local branch or a specialist group on our Member Communities page.

Members of Committee
The committee must have at least three professional BCS members, with mandatory roles of Chair, Treasurer, Inclusion Officer and Early Careers Advocate. In addition, committee members may take on a range of other roles.

For more information on committee roles, check out:

Non Institute members must abide by the BCS Code of Conduct and rules, the penalty for serious breaches is removal from the committee.

You can browse a list of all current volunteering roles available at BCS on our Volunteering vacancies page.

See our Member Group Committee appointment article for more information on how committees are formed. 


Public Statements
What Member Group committee members say and publish (including on social media) should be appropriate for a representative of a professional body. Communicating on behalf of any part of the Institute (including a Member Group) should only be done with appropriate authority. Criticism of the Institute should be kept out of public forums.


BCS staff and Member Group Committee members are expected to respect each other and behave in a positive, cooperative and professional manner. If a BCS member has a concern about the behaviour of another member or member of staff they should discuss it with the Chair of the Community Board. Ultimately the BCS Code of Conduct is applicable.


Volunteer Training/Development
Each Member Group Committee will be responsible for ensuring that all its members receive appropriate training as prescribed by Trustee Board from time to time. The Community Board may cancel or suspend an individual's membership of a Member Group Committee where a member’s actions have, in the opinion of the Community Board, been detrimental to the work of the Committee.

See our available volunteer training article for more information on the training available to volunteers. 


If you need support with a Member Group Committee, please contact your BCS Coordinator at To avoid legal liabilities as an employer, personnel must not be directly employed by a Member Group.

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